Perten Glutomatic® 2000 System

Perten Glutomatic® 2000 System


  • Determine gluten quantity and quality - Improve the quality of your finished products by making sure that your raw materials meet gluten specifications. Higher wet gluten content means higher bread volumes.
  • Easy to use –Automated, easy to handle instrument with large touch screen guiding the operator through the analysis. Confidently operated by non-technical personnel.
  • For flour and grain - Using Perten Glutomatic you don't have to produce a flour to determine the gluten characteristics for a wheat. You save time and costs as the Gluten Index method works both for flour and for ground wheat.
  • Rapid analysis - A complete test takes less than 10 minutes.
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The world standard for gluten quantity and quality determination. When baking bread and producing noodles or pasta, the flour gluten content and strength will determine the quality of the finished product. The Perten Glutomatic® System is the world standard for determination of gluten quantity and quality.


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