ModuLab XM Photoelectrochemical Test System

ModuLab XM Photoelectrochemical Test System


ModuLab XM PhotoEchem is expandable platform designed for research of solar cells and photovoltaics.

  • Developed in conjunction with Professor Laurie Peter
  • Frequency and time domain techniques including IMPS, IMVS, Impedance, Photovoltage Decay, Charge Extraction, I-V
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Auto analysis for calculating effective diffusion coefficients and electron lifetimes NIST traceable light source calibration Excellent thermal management of light sources for long term stability Full set of electrochemical techniques (cyclic voltammetry, chrono methods, galvano methods, impedance and AC voltammetry) IPCE option for quantum efficiency measurements Expandable platform for Electrochemistry and Materials testing ModuLab XM PhotoEchem impedance accuracy contour plot highlights Solartron's best in class measurement performance.

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