EchemLab XM Potentiostat Galvanostat

EchemLab XM Potentiostat Galvanostat


EchemLab XM is an application specific XM product focused on high-voltage applications of physical electrochemistry and corrosion "

  • EnergyLab XM Potentiostat Galvanostat - Polarization, Compliance Voltage - ± 8V
  • Max Current Output - ± 2 A up to ± 100 A
  • Min Current Range - ± 30 nA (1.5 pA resolution)
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Supplied internal capability to ± 100 V polarization Supplied four (4) auxiliary differential voltage inputs for DC or EIS analysis of cells in a stack XM-Studio software is included with all Apps-XM Series systems EchemLab XM's impedance accuracy contour plot highlights Solartron's best in class measurement performance. "

Technical Information

EchemLab XM Potentiostat Galvanostat - Polarization, Compliance Voltage - ±100 V Max Current Output - ± 300 mA up to ± 100 A Min Current Range -± 30 nA (1.5 pA resolution) Standard Advanced EIS Functions ,Accuracy to sub 100 µΩ , Auxiliary Voltage Inputs, Multi-Sine (improved speed), Harmonic Analysis (cell linearity), Integrated EIS Modeling


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