Corrosiveness and Oxidation Stability Test Apparatus

Corrosiveness and Oxidation Stability Test Apparatus


Evaluates the ability of a lubricant to resist oxidation and the formation of corrosive acid compounds by subjecting a sample to accelerated oxidation conditions in a catalytic environment. The sample is maintained at elevated temperature and subjected to a controlled air flow while in the presence of a series of test specimens made of metals commonly found in actual service conditions.

  • Conforms to the specifications of: A STM D4636, D5968, D6594; FTM 791-5307, 791-5308; IHC BT-10; DIN 51394
  • Capacity: 6 test cells
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"Models for ASTM, Federal and IHC test methods Six-sample testing capability Solid aluminum block design Microprocessor temperature control with digital display and overtemperature protection"

Technical Information

Temperature Range: 125 to 750°F (51.7 to 399°C) Temperature Control Stability: ±1°F (±0.5°C) Air Flow Rate: ASTM D4636/FTM 791-5307: 10L/h FTM 791-5308: 3L/h and 5L/h (dual range flowmeters) IHC BT-10: 3L/h (50mL/min.)


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