1287A Potentiostat Galvanostat

1287A Potentiostat Galvanostat


1287A is a flagship potentiostat and the electrochemical interface for FRAs such as 1260A and 1255B.

  • 1287A Potentiostat Galvanostat Polarization, Compliance Voltage ± 14.5 V, ± 20 V
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Range of DC tests and AC tests, like EIS, with FRAs and ZPLOT software Two high resolution digital voltmeters across multiple ranges Patented pulse width conversion technique for high accuracy, stability and linearity Electrochemical Interface for stand-alone FRAs such as 1260A, 1255B. BNC connections ensure that different cable options are available locally. Popular options of CorrWare acquisition software and USB-to-GPIB converter to support interface to modern computers.

Technical Information

Max Current Output ± 2 A up to ± 100 A EIS Functions and Compatibility 1 MHz with 1260A , 1 MHz with 1255B, 20 kHz with 1253A , 65 kHz with 1250E


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